A NEW PLAYMATE! ...finally...


CRYSTAL TANPAW THE SENTIENT ONE. demonxfox was exploring when she fell deep into a dark cave, only lit by crystals. she stumbled across a beast unlike any shes ever seen. but upon further inspection..."t-tanpaw??" "HMM? OWHH...A NEW PLAYMATE!...f i n a l l y...heheheh..." idk why not add lore right? alright so @demonxfox and yours truely collabed and made this fire artpiece. i didnt do the fire bg suprisinlgy, but i did make the rlly cool looking beast to da right lol. hope yall enjoy! leave a love or i send you to go play with tanpaw. (had to reupload i forgot eye contact is golden LOL)

  • Published February 22, 2022, 21:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in T E R R O
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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