The kingdom of monsters (cpt. 3)

By X

Hey there! Name's Chaos, 17 year old prince of the monster kingdom. Brother to 17 year old princess Anonymous, Adopted son to QUeen Eñe and King Dartus. Me and my sister are like best friends. We always work together, play together, and fight together. I may look different from my family, but i still always feel at home. I never knew my real mother. Eñe says my mother was her closest friend, and was killed by humans right after having me. Eñe took me on, and raised me as the prince. Im very happy here, and im headed to a royal meeting with my family now. As i walk down the halls, my tail brushes against the carpeted floors,and my gaze shifts from tapestry to tapestry. My favourite is a family one, my sister being her usual silly self, my mother smiling happily, and my father barely fitting in the picture. As we enter the grand throne room, we see someone crying on the floor. "Oh goodness! Wren whats wrong?" Eñe runs over to her friend, curled on the floor. The fox looks up, teary eyed. "They got Gracie!" (Genetics are great guys. Anonymoustiger totally looks like Eñe and Swagtomato.)

  • Published November 06, 2019, 14:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in The tribute
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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