i dont mean i want people to pay attention to me and my art
but i want my art to be seen by others and have them know its me
i guess a style
or maybe a certain character
like for example, i follow some drawn users on insta
but not because they sent me links, i just saw their art and i knew who they were
is it the characters i recognize? or art ive seen before? maybe its the style, or the way they shade or draw the subject? what makes a piece of art distinguishable as yours?
you can only create based off of what youve seen
solar sands said it well,
someone who lives in a void cant draw a tree or a dog, because all they know is void
everything we make is based off of what we know
so that applies to art too, and the way you decide to draw things
those ideas arent yours, not in the sense that you created them
maybe its how you have different things interact with eachother, like a type of nose with a type of mouth
or maybe im overthinking things because i want a stable way of drawing
who knows