why am i more sad


i feel more sad this summer then i did during the school year. everyday I cry now and kjsnalla i just cry everyday, i get anxious so easily now, im startled by ecerything, idk why... im so easily upset, i feel like trash.... I just have such a strong urge to give up on everything and let life drag me along- like- It just- builds in my chest and it stings and idk why i get it there- I let myself over think and remeber things or think that im not worth it anymore and i just dont know what to do- i wanna talk to people but im so annoying and i upset and annoy people so easily and jlIHSKNMZ

  • Published June 21, 2019, 23:24
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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