2015: Pixie
Pixie died during a mining expedition, she fell in lava and died before I could even attempt to save her. still miss you.
2015: puppy
puppy died of a zombie attack, I forgot to close my door during the night and a hoard of 5 zombies came in. I was able to take most of them on, but puppy only got through 2 before dying a brutal death. I will avenge you puppy, one day.
2015: dave
dave died to a spider jockey. we found one while exploring a valley at night. dave and I fought off the skeleton with ease, but dave and the spider butted heads hard. they fought, with my aid I was able to fight by dave's side, but.. the spider took one final blow, and dave was history. dave, I will build a statue in your honor.
2015: unnamed dog
I never gave this dog a name, I never had the chance to. they were a new friend I found, they and I were walking back to my house when a creeper came up behind me. it took not only my life, but my dogs as well. oh, unnamed dog, wish I could've been your pal longer.
2016: hunter
hunter may not have died at the hands of any zombie, or any creeper, but mine. I was practicing my archery, and I shot an arrow with my eyes closed, only to hear a whimper and open them. I had shot hunter. hunter, I am so very sorry. I hope you can forgive me.
2016: tom and his brother jerry
these two were my favorite dogs for a long while, I took them on every expedition I went on. the three of us were unstoppable. that was until the day I gained the strength to fight the wither. with that being said, they were the very first to die. oh, jerry, oh tom, if only you got to see me beat them. I hope you'd be proud.
2016: wood dog
I found this guy in the woods on my first day in that world, I had no bones but he stuck around even without being tamed, so I considered him mine. when I had built a house, I went inside before night fell. and on that night, I saw wood dog's life get taken by a group of skeletons that had ganged up on him. wood dog, I will punch every tree in your very honor.
2016: dumb and stupid
two of my dumbest dogs I had, they would always twirl around in circles and somehow glitch into blocks, which was their fate. one day we found ourselves in a desert, and dumb along with stupid somehow managed to suffocate themselves inside the mountain of sand we were climbing. dumb and stupid, wish you weren't so glitchy.
2016: Christmas puppy
yep, I found this guy on Christmas. in the 2016 Christmas texture pack Minecraft lended to me as a Christmas present on my account. he wore a little sweater, which was adorable to me. we were climbing up the stairs on one of the pre-made structures in the map and.. Christmas dog fell.. down, all the way down. and with a loud sad whimper, he was gone. Christmas dog, I play that map every year in your honor.
furry elbows uwuTwiilight
furry elbowsteapup
@TeddyBear4 ,, <3,,,TeddyBear4
Yes, I love it so much!!teapup
@TheNightblade :DNightblade
very go od