Glimmer Heart (My Main Pony O.C.)


So IDK if it's included in my bio, but when I was younger, I was a big brony fan. So much that I would constantly be updated on the newest episodes, and knew them, too. Yet, one day, I just had a strange feeling to draw them. So I got on my little tablet and started drawing a pony the best I could. After drawing, I was actually pretty proud of it, so I showed my family. And that was the start of how I drew ponies. From there, I looked up videos and tutorials on how to draw ponies. I actually respect this part of my life because it was the first time I actually was interested in drawing. After a couple of months I was able to draw ponies by myself. I drew them so much I kept a big binder full of pictures to this day! Once 5th grade came around the corner, people was very admirable towards me. They, surprisingly, wanted me to draw them as a pony. This was after I drew my other friend for fun. As a pony, of course lol. By the end of the year I got way better. Since then, I'm able to draw ponies in any position and angle. Not even kidding lol. I'm not a bigger brony than I was, but it's always enjoyable to me to draw ponies because it settles me down from stress and such. This was the first pony O.C. I ever drew. I actually decided to name her Flurry Heart because my friends and I used to do a horse RP as kids, but right when I was going to name her that, there was a new character named Flurry Heart in the MLP series! How crazy is that! Anyways, it's just a little backstory from my childhood, and I hope you enjoy this art because it took me all morning XD. ;) <3

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