hey guys


I'm making a story called The Story Of Bonadanict and I wanted to see how you guys like it so far so uh heres a sample as I tell the story, of bonadanict, id rather you wait before you depict. the names in this story, may is as been told, some are new and some, are old. renidcact, bendishack, baniquadoo, also sellabentique, and shesnshise, and kalabaloo. may this story be told in a poem of sorts, for this story starts, inside the camps forts.. a daring day, for baniquadoo, he would go on a mission to find kalabaloo. "what dare say, benticlabadoo, for I must dare to find, kalabaloo!" as a voice coming from bendishack, seemed like silk. she told him, "be once to careful of the salabaloo." she told him, "for salabaloo is kalabaloo's sister. she does not take kindly to a mister." baniquadoo laughed it off, and bidded an adieu, he said, "goodbye bendishack, for I must search and battle both salabaloo, and kalabaloo! wish me luck, for no fowl! for I will return upon the back of an owl!" with that said, she made him promise to come back. because feelings of love, were developing in bendishack.

  • Published November 10, 2019, 23:13
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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