I have some DrawnUpdate Suggestions

By _J_M_

Hello there drawn! It's me, the funny glasses man with a godcomplex- This is rather long(so long, I have to make this 2 posts or else the description is too long- yes, this is pt1)but I think these would be great additions to drawn, so please do read them and give feedback! Anyway- I’m here today to talk about some Ideas I have for some new updates that I think would be good additions to drawn, along with being useful. I will explain both the idea, and how I think it could be executed. (1)My first Idea is one that I think a lot of users’ll appreciate- The ability to export an animation as either an MP4, GIF, or (Potentially- you’ll see why I say this in my next idea-) A Drawn file. The Way I see it being implemented is in the editor itself, a new button on the same bar as the save, settings, and add audio button. When clicking this button, it would pop up a screen similar to the add audio’s button, and, if you haven't saved the animation as a WIP, it wouldn't let you export it. However, if you do have it saved, it’ll pop up with a little menu similar to how you select where your drawing goes when you save it- with the top saying “Export Animation”, right below it being a small disclaimer reminding users to save it as a WIP before exporting incase something goes wrong, and options of “Export as MP4”, “Export as GIF”, and potentially other file types. I say do it from the editor, as it’d allow the artist to download their work, and if they want others to download it as well, they can make the animation continuable upon Publishing. (2)This second idea ties into the previous. Idea, though, I’m worried to could lead to more art theft, so I’m not as confident in this one, however, I still feel I have a solution for that issue. The idea is to make an import button, which would Import Drawn files and import animations into the editor. The reason I think this would be a good idea is because it’d allow a user to combine multiple animations and pieces into one art piece or animation. I think this could be used to allow for MAPs(Multi-Animator Projects) to be created (and if we ever get group DMs, organized) On Drawn! I think this should be implemented as a button next to the export button. When clicking it, it’ll allow you to upload a drawn file into your animation, and will put the frames on the layer you’re on, and replace any frames on the layer that are in the way of the animation- this, of course, should have a disclaimer letting the user know that pasting it over a frame will replace the previous content on the frame, and allow them to continue and overwrite the frames, or decline and the file won’t import. If there aren't any frames in the way, It’ll just put the animation in. Now, the issue with this, is that, this in combination with the export button would lead to potential art theft, however, I think that, upon uploading, if you choose to make the piece continuable, there should be two options, one saying “Lock Export” and one saying “Allow export”. Locking the export will allow people to continue the animation, however, It won't allow them to export the file upon continuing the animation, instead the button would say “The Artist has locked exports for this animation”. Under the “Allow export” option, it should say a disclaimer saying something along the lines of “Allowing the export of your work could lead to others claiming your art as their own! Be careful!” and upon allowing export, it’ll allow users to export the continued animation. Users continuing the animation can lock the ability to export upon uploading as well, similar to how you can prevent others from continuing a continued animation. The box should be automatically be clicked on “Lock Export” when uploading though.

  • Published Published December 03, 2021, 15:14
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in Suggestions
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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