i need a place to write these words


coming from my heart
some, if not most of you arent gonna understand, and i kinda sound like a child, i get it. but i need to talk about anime for a minute

as i sit here, in a dark room, waiting for the impending darkness to once again seep in, i listen to a very special youtube video of sad fairytail music. Let me tell you how sad i am because of this. its hard to describe really, i feel like i need to put what im feeling down somewhere, and share it. i want others to cherish it like i do. i realized something too. fairytail, as an anime, manga, and savior for me, is not about one person. it never was one main character. fairytail is about the guild and the family within it. im having dejavu almost, listening here, because all the emotions and hard places i went through, they were comforted by fairytail. im reminded of all the darkness, and given the strength to overcome. to grow. i feel so strong and capable because of it. people have never been my forte. my rolemodels. my purest happiness. its always been anime. always. i feel myself within these songs of memories, recalling each failiure i indured. theyre beautiful. i have someone there to be with me. i have a whole guild. i wasnt ever alone, all those nights i was awake too late to watch more of this thing i crave. i didnt need a hug after all the tradgedy and pain, because i had what i needed right there. fighting and war, present in the universe i so badly want to be a part of. so much rescue, and lies disguised with anger and pain. lives have changed and grown, no matter what anyone says. no matter what outsider looks at the fights, the power differences, the holes in the plot. they dont get it, it isnt about that. its about friendship, about life, about appriciation for the wonderful growth around you thats infuencing who you are. the story of a princess being rescued by a dragon. the story of a barefoot girl, clutching the hand of a boy dressed in black. theres so much beauty in the words spoken, in the pain endured, but finally released. anime, my friends, is and never will be for children. it is for any age, because family and love have no limits. its gives appriciation to those warm days, when you can rest and think about all youve been through. youve made it. nobody can say you havent. realization that your life might not be what you think it is. the story of a mother, ridiculed for saving what she believed in, bearing a child that she simply couldnt let go of. she thought she had let those emotions go, but then she knew. her daughter had only grown so much because of the family she was left to. blood means nothing. you are family with anybody you want. friendship is with whoever you want. there are no limits to the love in your heart. momentary peace. lost comfort, floating through the void of conciousness until you are layed to rest by an end to your suffering. those moments when you look up into the clouds, free of worry and sin. take a moment to appriciate how beautiful the world is, and how beautiful you are. its not perfect, that isnt the point. the point is what you feel when your reminded. you know these people more than anyone else. it is truely a gift that a person just like you and me is able to capture so many emotions into art. into a project. i look up to people with that incredible talent. and the people who feel like they dont do enough, arent good enough, dont try enough, dont have enough. you are enough for yourself

this doesnt sound as bad when i read it all together, but its still a bunch of jumbled thoughts pouring out of me. i just wanna say, @X, you are my best friend and you brought me into this universe. i cant say how greatful i am and how serious i am. this means so much to me, and its very close to my heart. thanks for reading <3

please dont make me regret posting this im embarrassed enough -///-


  • Published Published February 10, 2020, 18:50
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 7

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grandson can i enhance this picture


@BuffedDoggo!! I think it looks good


oml my first still water piece kms


me: sees this
also me: I T S A J U M P U P S U P E R S T A R


this is heccin cool tho!!