* sips water * Oh... sh*t I haven't done one of these in while, well let's get it over with. Nik, ☹︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎⧫︎!!! ( what? ) [ What the f**k do you want? ] Come on guys it's another stats showcase. ( Nope. ) [ I can't believe I'm agreeing with one of your creations. ] Come on ☹︎♏︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎⧫︎, we haven't one of these in while. [ NO!!! ] Nik? ( * drinks water cup * ...nope. ) ...Why do you hate me? ( I don't hate you, I just don't know why you created me. ) Oh, well why do you hate me? [ Because you trapped me in that damn black void while you and everyone else has fun in that white void, laughing and telling jokes. And you not only trapped me in there by myself, but you also left me right where I- ] And we're gonna get into the stats of... NIK! The original one...you know the stick figure? No? okay. So you know the drill stats are on a scale of 0 - 9999 I can't do power scaling yet because I haven't a script done yet. Anywho now with that out the way, we can get started on the sats.
Strength: 5984 of 9999
Intelligence: 5000 of 9999
speed: 5468 of 9999 (without boost)/ (With boost) 8976 of 9999
Stamina: 8769 of 9999 (Fully rested)/(Not fully rested) 986 of 9999
Regeneration: 765 of 9999
Taking a battle serious: 4765 of 9999
So, there you have it Niks stats ( The original me not me. ) I think they know that. [ * Muffled Yelling * ] C-Can we uh get into how he fights? [ * Louder Muffled Yelling * ] Lestat... calm down. ( Really? ) Yes. [ YOU STUPID F**CKING ASSHOLE!!! ] Whoa! Uh, talk about how he fights QUICK!!!
Nik, the original one fights in a more speed and brute force kinda style, while at the same time trying to learn his opponent's fighting style. He prefers to fight up close over having range, he does have ranged attacks but he doesn't use them as much. As for taking a battle seriously he kinda does, I mean if the person he fighting is strong maybe otherwise, probably not he just doesn't fight as much as the new Nik will. But he fought people before like uh you know what just... go to Toonator for that. anywho that's all we have Nik. So, what do you guys think? [ F**k, you ] (It's okay. ) Well, that's all for now. Until we meet again!
*minecraft players when they need to get away*