i actually have a crab btw uwu.
hes a hermit crab with one massive claw.
hes not this color, hes red and purple, but he does have a conch shell house.
his name is Wallace Tiberius Caesar, or Wally T for short lmfao
and i was recently able to get an okay picture of him... but its still really bad. the computer camera is crap, and whenever he comes out of his shell and someone walks by, Wally T hides, so its hard to get pictures of him lol. and since hermit crabs are nocturnal, hes not out in the day, so the lighting is bad too, rip. cdn.discordapp.com
he has chicken wire lining his cage, so sometimes he climbs up the wire and wedges himself between the cover of his terrarium and the chicken wire, and then when hes hungry he falls down through a hole we cut in it lmfao.
and he has rocks and sand at the bottom of his cage, so every move he makes is loud and scrabbly lol.