hey hey! do you want some art?


A wonderful friend of mine (@satansassgremlin) has offered to give reward(s) for donors based on how much they donated to my project! Not only does being a donator help towards funding, but it shows that you are supportive of it, and that means a lot. Plus, now you get something back! Here's how it works! As of now, there are options to donate for 10 koin, 20, koin, 30 koin, 60 koin, and/or even 100 koin!! 10: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/39eu0s 20: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/tb8i0k 30: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/wn212n 50: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/96zi7a 100: this drawing https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/qvwn99 I may add more options in the future, but that depends on how many donators we get and how that settles with the artist who creates the rewards. The rules are simple, the more you donate, the more you get. The reward you get depends on the total of your overall donation. ♥️ Ex: if you donate 10 koin AND 20 koin that does not mean you get just the reward for 10 koin and 20 koin, you get the reward for 30 koin instead! It all adds up, remember! Please remember that you need to make up your mind on how much you donate. Please do not donate over a scattered amount of time. We want this to be as easy and quick as possible! If your donation exceeds 100 koin, you will get the 100 koin reward AND including the extra koin reward ♥️ Ex: You donate 140 koin. You donated for 100 koin, 10 koin, and 30 koin. You will recieve the 100 Koin reward and the 40 koin reward. not 100 koin + 10 + 40, it works out to however it adds up, as said in the previous example. ♥️ Ex: you donate 200 Koin. You donated for 100 koin, 40 koin, 50 koin, and 10 koin. You will get two of the 100 koin rewards (not 100 koin + 40 + 50 + 10. as said before) ----- Here are the available donation values and their rewards!! 10 koin: headshot/bust drawing of character (colored) 20 koin: headshot/bust drawing of character (colored and shaded) 30 koin: halfbody drawing of character (colored) 50 koin: halfbody drawing of character (colored and shaded) 100 koin: fullbody drawing of character (colored, shaded, background) ----- If you already donated, then you are already getting a reward. @satansassgremlin should have sent you a dm you regarding that. If you wish to donate more and change your total, you are free to do that! Just please make sure you get to donate however much you wish to do so within a week. This time limit applied to everyone. You much donate your planned amount all within a week so we know what reward to give you. That does not mean the due date is a week from now, just please get all your intended koin in by a week from when you began donating. ----- I must ask that you do not pressure me or @satansassgremlin for art or anything of the kind, whether you donated or not. If you do so I will notify @satansassgremlin or vice versa, and we will both ignore you or block you, even. I'm dead serious, bro. ---- If you wish to help out with the art in this limited run you are more than welcome to DM me with offers to help :D It is up to you whether you wish to stay with us during/until/before the project starts running. It is also up to you whether you help out for pay or volunteer. ---- Remember, as it is said in the title and as I literally just said a few sentences ago, this is a limited thing! this will only last up until Feburary 8th, or 4 weeks from now! This gives you more than enough time to help out. You can still donate to the same drawings after this is over, you just won't get anything back for it. So try and do this whil you can! Here's where you comment for recieveing rewards! https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/0xbl6w You dont need to comment anything on this drawing, unless you're wishing to help out. But if not, thats all! thank you so much and I hope you enjoy! :D

  • Published January 11, 2021, 16:53
  • in Still Waters
  • in my shiz
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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