im not trash at art i just got stuck in a very unfortunate situation. ill explain right here but it might be a bit lengthy, so if you're not patient here's the TLDR in advance:
no tecnologee, no time.
here's the longer version.
so some of you may remember (@TheMaineAnimator 😐) that my laptop got brakeded, so i had to give it to my friend's dad to get repaired. no bueno. still haven't gotten that back. which is understandable, he's a busy man. so my mommy got a new laptop for 40$ that primarily i use. its a chromebook (im using it rn) but its not compatible with my drawing tablet :(((((
and to make matters WORSE, i lost my drawing tablet's pen while arguing with my little sister to go shower or something. so that sucked a lot. man no cry because man be man!!!! so i be man and suck it up, deal with it, focus on what i like. i do music on the paandora's box beepbox mod and draw traditional. lightwork, no reaction. then paandora's box mod stop recieving updates. sad, but inevitable. lightwork, no reaction. then i break my USB wireless mouse somehow and get scared to ask for a new one even though it was only like 14 dollars, which means no alternative way to animate. lightwork, no reaction. "i'll buy a new one next time i go to walmart or something" (i never did). we chilling (we very sad but convincing ourselves otherwise (we = me)). UNTIL!!!!
my schedule for school comes out and turns out i have NO ART CLASS. the one thing that keeps me sane all year. bye bye. so now, even less time for art. which makes me so sad cuz im losing a precious year of practice and improvement. dont get me wrong, i still draw when i can, but "when i can" is not often at all..
so here i am stuck in this nasty nasty situation. asking for help would kill me tho cuz
1: nothing can be done about the school stuff now
2: i know my mommy paid good money for that drawing tablet. it'd probably be like a kick to her ovaries if i told her i lost the damn pen
3: my friend's dad is a busy guy!!! i dont wanna be rude or intrusive or whatever. what if he's been working on it all this time??????
4: i feel like im a terrible kid. honestly i wish i could get rich so i could give half my shit to my parents. they dont deserve me, like my grades are terrible >:[
and now i got a school trip going to italy which i want to be happy about but that's incredibly hard to do when it costs $3000+ straight out my parents' pockets. honestly im rly angry that i feel this way. why the hell cant i just be an ingrateful brat like the rest of my generation gad gummit. i might just fail a class purposely so i get on academic probation and can't go on the trip.
idk guys im in a pickle. ap precalc is kicking my booty. anyways im still alive and sorry that this spiraled into a mess of a digression.
yep, I rememberRoseken
@_J_M_ I K N E W I T_J_M_
@TheNightblade yesNightblade
Is this from The Courage the cowardly dog?_J_M_
I drew him during tcap today- and a miniature murial holding a spatulata just standing in the kitchen door.