Unstoppable 5 part 1


You may want to watch something else on yt while this loads.. (May take up to 8 minutes at most) This is the first time I've posted a long animation here. If I'm correct this is the biggest animation on here, right? So, first thing I've noticed is that the quality is 3x better then on Toonator. This thing took me like 2 months to make and it looks better then I thought! In the next part I'll try to improve with the shading and backround because there is next to no shading wich is a shame tbh. I've split the episode into parts because it takes me up to 10 minutes of waiting for it to save and it's quite laggy. Stay tunned for the next part because that's when things will start to get real. Watch the previous episode: https://toonator.com/user/SwagTomato

  • Published August 14, 2019, 08:57
  • in Open Ocean
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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