hehe hoho

By Crunch

If y'all haven't noticed already my art gets kinda janky sometimes cause firefox makes it laggy. Smooth line art is basically impossible so I present y'all with hackjobs but here's something a bit better cause I did it in chrome instead lol Anyways hehe lol Fun fact! Inhumans have a very well known "cover-up" culture. Ppl make it a sport to dress up in really elaborate outfits and wear as many layers as possible. I decided to design two more ocs with these features cause I thought they'd look cool lol Ones dresses in thermal clothes and ski attire, which makes him overheat often. He's got the sense of humour of a 5 year old on crack. The other wears like, motorcyclist leathers. He's a simp for anybody that looks even remotely attractive but he doesn't wanna show anybody his face cause he's insecure/cover-up makes him feel confident Inhumans are NOT designed to deal with hot temperatures so they overheat often. It's why people either see cover-up as super cool and badass or super stupid. Like uuuuuuuh goths

  • Published February 20, 2020, 14:03
  • in Kiddie Pool
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