Ryuu oc story thing uwu


Coming back into cansiousness slowly, he instinctively felt around for his Lover. He was afraid, terrified. He was out for so long and now as he awoke the scent of blood sorrounded him and he couldnt see. Why couldnt he see? Where was Kashi? He weakly called out for his lover and his heart filled with dread when no responce came. He tried again. Silence. Where was he!? The scent of blood numbed his senses. Oh how wonderfull it felt! No! This is why he needed Kashi, the only person who was able to turn him away from evil, bring back his sanity. Ryuu was not Ryuu without him. It was like having an abused animal that could snap at any moment. You needed to stay by its side or else it might cause harm to others. As time progresses its able to walk a little furthur without you. Its able to withstand some scenarios. But when it is frightened you still must be there for it or it will snap once more, resetting all your work. Regaining his vision but still having it blurred he franticly looked around. Corpses, body parts. Oh how tempting they where for this demon who once devoured innocent souls. Did he do this? Feeling naucious he put what woulf be his hand, now caught in between a transformation, to his mouth and nose hoping to block the scent. Where was Kashi? Where was Pilot!?!? Did he hurt Pilot? Letting out what sounding like a mixture of a sob and a whinper he tried calling for his lover once more but got the same responce. He felt the walls close in around him. Where was he? He had to get out now. Mind clouded, he half transformed into that demonic monster. Soon he lost all reason and gained tunnel vision. He needed to get out now. He rammed himself into the walls trying to break free but only harming his own body. Like a possesed dog he continued to ram into the walls. He didnt see the ones on the other side helplessly watching. He didnt hear Kashi, he didnt hear Pilot. He was stuck in his own little world.

  • Published September 26, 2020, 17:11
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited time

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