i feel like

By UltraB

the kids who say "le" like every sentence they speak online dont even know what "le" means.

like i swear.
i saw someone comment "le steals le smoothies while le owner is le gone"
its just?? annoying and cringy
plus "le" means "the" in french so technically youd be saying "the steals the smoothies while the owner is the gone"

that mostly doesnt make sense
like i understand they think its funny or something but tbh when people just say "le" every five seconds i want to pinch a pillow

  • Published Published March 29, 2019, 18:25
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

Comments 5

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@-fryiinpan- kgemgrktdhtsro6fo6dhso6


Guess badger can swim

or octopi can go on land either way I'm not your daily animal expert

Oh wait my friends say I am WHAT


@Kailey_Kat I was doing a bunch of random generations on this one website and it said Badger with tentacles for arms.


wow,,, what gave u the idea for this character lmao