enter stage right: Mack


Mack's entire family can speak to demons. They find demons, ask the demons to do favors for them, and go on with life. The King promises to treat them like royalty as long as they continue making the demons do favors for the King. This agreement has gone on for decades, ensuring the safety of the kingdom and Mack's family. Sounds easy enough to keep up their side of the deal, right? Mack... can not see demons. From what he's heard from his family, the demons just... walk around!! Everywhere!! So why can't he see them?! But... If he tells anyone about his inability to see demons, they'll disown him or something. That would... suck! So of course, Mack, being the clever and cunning rabbit-dragon thing he is, decides he'll just make his own demon! Then, the demon can look for other demons *for* Mack!! Then Mack proceeds to summon a building-sized dragon monster. It seems to work fine! He can talk to it, it follows his orders... Perfect! No one seems to question it either. Mack is proud. Problem solved. Until the dragon starts asking for sacrifices. Then things get a *little* off track. lol

  • Published June 01, 2019, 19:00
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in not as good art
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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