A.O.D join the team!!!


okay, lets get this started! essentially, this is a guide to making yourself apart of the A.O.D! lets begin. firstly, design is limitless. obviously you can steal anyones character, but other than that you can take the form of whoever you want! secondly, you can only choose one power. i know, it sucks, but we need to make sure everyone can feel original and vital to the team, plus one power only prevents godmolding. (no such rules apply to mods, more on that later) ill make a list of the available and unavailable powers, perhaps in the comments section. now, for the ranks. if your a minnow, (like myself sadly) you have a basic arsenal. the blue pencil, the red eraser, and the most vital, the green save. (ill explain how these tools are important in another post, but for now lets focus on you!) you CANNOT change the color of the blue pencil weapon, nor the eraser, nor the save. if your the sushi rank, you get an extra perk! not only do you possess the arsenal of a minnow, but you now get your very own brush! and you can make it any color! and the coolest part, is you can change the symbol at the tip! ill explain all the cool functions of the sushi brush another day. if your a goldfish, you get....nothing lol. finally, if your a MODERATOR (which if ur even reading this i am honored.), you can do whatever the frick you want with your arsenal. but more importantly, you get the fish. it can turn into virtually anything you want it to, with the exception that that thing has the looks of the fish. (ex. if u chose an orange fish, itll be orange only, with a black dot for an eye) of course you dont even need the fish, you choose whatever you want, your a mod. lastly, clayton. he has drawny. which- is like the fish weapon- BuT iTs nAmeD dRawNy nOw- and he also has dominion over EVERYTHING, and can do ANYTHING he pleases. including deleting a.o.d from existance...but hopefully he doesnt hehe! well that is about it! i will make a seperate post for the team members and theyre references in the description, crediting the artists, of course. if you dont follow these simple rules- you just wont be included. simple as that. (mods dont apply!) HAVE A FANTASTIC DRAWNY DAY!!!!

  • Published January 27, 2022, 21:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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