Give me your Oc Refs! 💜


HEY there guys! Yeah you read the title right! Give me refs of your guys Oc’s! (Please only submit one of your characters lol) I’m bored and want to draw some of y’all’s characters, so drop your oc’s Ref in the comments below and any other information! I’ll probably only be doing a few, but don’t worry, it won’t be first come first serve! I think I’ll do around 3-5 depending on what I feel like doing lol! So, if you’d like a cute little doodle of your character from me, feel free to say so in the comments! Also please don’t get upset if I don’t draw your oc or guilt trip me into drawing your character, cause uhhh then I won’t draw them lmao. Well, that’s it! Like I said I’ll only be doing a few, so don’t feel bad if I don’t draw your oc, I’m just doing this fun, and I may do something like this again! I hope you all have a lovely day! Can’t wait to doodle some of y’all’s amazing characters! <3 (Also, I’ll be drawing all them on my iPad, just like this doodle lol)

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