Fusion Contest


Ok listen up you punk, i finna host my very first contest and shit. Im not sure if this was already a contest in the past but uh okay. So basically what you do is you take two members of Drawn (You're not allowed to use your OC's/Characters, only the two members you pick) and F U S E them together, simple enough ig. You can use the same person as someone else, but you cannot have the same two people as someone else. (EX. If someone has BuffedDoggo and Cupid as their people, someone else can use BuffedDoggo and Flapjack, or Cupid and Flapjack but not BuffedDoggo and Cupid) You may use media, softwares and colors. The Due Date is on 9/5/2019 First Place will get a fullbody colored/shaded character art Second Place will get a torso colored/shaded character art Third Place will get a bust colored/shades character art and everyone else who joins the contest can have a bust sketched character art This contest will be judged by creativity and ofc quality,, but mostly creativity Comment if you do have any questions on anything I missed asjdnasd

  • Published August 05, 2019, 09:59
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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me: pSSH
i doubt it
Is big sad