Intro woohoo

By Allen

I'm Kaufmo, some already know me because of my last account @DeadWeight (I deleted it) This account was made with the purpose of rambling of lucid dreams lmao I doubt many people will care about this, but this is mainly for myself anyway lol If someone is ever interested in it, you can check the albums that will hopefully be fullfilled someday. I'm gonna make a small summary of the albums: - HTBO (How to be an oneironaut): will have posts explaining and giving advices in how to have lucid dreams and have control on them. - Lucid worlds: Lucid worlds are the worlds your mind (or you) can generate. In these worlds, you will only have lucid dreams, meaning these worlds can be about anything, but it does have to follow a storyline. If it's random, it can't be considerated a world. Only oneironauts can have lucid worlds - DSV (Disadvantages): Being an oneironaut isn't always good, it can lead to unhealthy behaviors that affect your daily life, that's why if you become one you must take care of yourself well. I'll explain some of the disadvantages in there and how to take care of yourself. - My dreams: I have different kind of dreams, sometimes involving dream worlds (following a storyline), half-dreams (dreams that you can hear but can't see, your body is asleep and your mind conscious), and random dreams that can still be lucid dreams but not follow a storyline. I will post more in this album I think :3 - Unrelated: uhh. actual drawings. probably. The reason this is mainly for myself is what if someday I forget how to have lucid dreams 💔💔 my life wouldn't make sense anymore /hj

  • Published March 15, 2024, 17:28
  • in The Swamp
  • in 1_Introduction.
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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