Wearing short sleeves on a cold day

By Allen


I had recently bought my first Keane CDs, an impulsive purchase I did because Liv loved them and I liked a few songs. It was a two in one edition that came with the Under The Iron Sea CD and a Hopes & Fears one. Liv was a bit disappointed the Hopes & Fears one wasn't a deluxe edition, but that would've been impossible to find in the two in one.
I had one of them playing in the living room while I sat on the sofa. It rained outside, it really fit the mood. It was cold but I liked it, so I wore short sleeves. I skipped a few songs, like Try Again and The Frog Prince. I don't remember or know why did I dislike those songs, especially because they are my favourite ones now.
Anyway, at some point, I noticed the numbers of the track "The Iron Sea" went backwards instead of forward, which scared me. Not to mention it wasn't included in the list. After doing some research, I found out that song comes as a hidden track in the international edition, so that's why it wasn't included in the list. The numbers going backwards were only to indicate it was indeed a hidden track.
That was the first Keane fact I was able to learn by myself that Liv did not know. I mean, he knows EVERYTHING about them, so it was surprising he didn't know that.
I guess it's one of the only memories I like from last year. I think that happened when nothing bad was going on, before I came out to my mother and before my best friend left me.
Everything was alright
But I would never wish to go back.

  • Published Published December 10, 2024, 17:50
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in 6_Unrelated
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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