Final chance


Prove it. If you want me to stay? Prove to me that its worth it to tear myself apart for all of you. Prove to me that im your friend and a valid person in the group and not just an option to run to only when your all sad. Because its not my job. Get a councler. I was always there to help. But no one fucking cared unless they needed my comfort. You seem to not even care for me as a friend. Just a fucking option. So either prove to me that im not or I will not be coming back. how will you prove it? Figure it out. Ill give you all tomorrow and this weekend. To message me, call me, PROVE TO ME I EVEN FUCKING MATTER. If you dont? Then Thats that. you wont see me at the table again. I will be dropping out as a voice actor, I wont have you as my voice actors, I will let you be. Because you either want me or you dont. Choose.

  • Published November 21, 2019, 12:55
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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