
By Hyper

Male Sword Name: Mirrored Night Ability: Transfer: Hp can be used as mana Forms: Impossible & Thunder God Magic: Zeus Thunder, Blood Moon, Afterimage, Power Burst, Void Pulse, The Needle That Pierces The Heavens, Vertical Slash, Triple Illusion, Heal +, Magic Barrier, Magic Barrier2, Time Slow Omega, Time Stop Omega, Booster, An entire hall of armor that drains mana for energy, Silent night, Lunar Landing, Final Slice, Butcher, piercing lance, and a lot more Afraid Of spiders yaaaaaay... Makes jokes at the wrong time Personally stays far away from copy for obvious reasons Has two minds (him and Impossible) and likes human pokemon for example the eevee- okay just ignore that part. Sword basically has a spirit living in it

  • Published September 04, 2019, 17:16
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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