Ever had
I'll tell mine
I dreamt about being in a corrupted place but like a game corruption i mean
I woke up in a bed...weird...this doesn't look like my room
...at all
And then i heard a door open...what i see in front of me is a man
Wearing a black t-shirt, short pants and a beautiful long hair
I did not expect the hair tbh
He is saying something to me but i can't hear anything except the sound of distant mumbling and my eyes started to blur out like i was about to black out
I try to focus harder and still can't hear or see very well
...so i focus again
What i see in front of me is a man...staring blankly with his soulless eyes right back at me...
Creeping closer...like a statue pulled by an invisible rope...slowing moving towards me
The room became longer...i tried to run but my legs feel heavy
Every step i take...it kept getting heavier...and heavier
I scream nothing comes out
I look back and he was closer than before
As i tried to run
I feel his hand on my shoulder
Weighing me down and...
I open my eyes and said
@Monocoven @GreenHoodiedAnimator @FreezingFlames @Anadroj-B-JThese some good nightmare stories
One of the worst nightmares I had was when I had a realistic/life-like dream that I suffocated to death via being buried alive in an avalanche. I just remembered that my last moments were of me panicking at the fact that nobody would be able to find me in time to save me. Not the creepiest dream ever, but it was somewhat traumatizing tbhFreezingFlames
I went up a barely lit rusted tower with shotguns pointing at me from the right and left sides, they were on some sort of contraption made of gears. I crawl up the rusty ladder and a shotgun above me goes off, I eventually reach the top and climb onto a grating platform where I start chasing a figure but then my foot gets caught on a spiked chain. I look at the middle of the platform and see a big reel with long thin spikes that started to spin really fast. The chain yanks me into the spikes and I get stuck there as the spiked chains wrap around me (no idea if it was me as I was kinda flying around like a spectator). I woke up checked the time and went back to sleep the end...GreenHoodiedAnimator
since i can remember, i don't ever dream. if i do i don't remember them.however
i always remember my nightmares.
and not once has my mind failed to conjure things that go beyond just being "scary." i can't think of a single dream that didn't feature the death of one or more of my immediate family members. sometimes i'm subject to this shock first-hand. always when i witness their deaths it happens in the most vividly agonizing ways imaginable.
always when i'm there it seems that their safety is within reach. it pulls me in and crushes me right when i thought i had the chance to change the outcome. right when i have that window, they're taken. every time i'm helpless to stop them from meeting a terrible end
beaten, shot, and killed by burglars
ran over by cars
dissolved into a meat puddy
suffocated in sand
swarmed by killer bees
mauled voraciously by wild animals (to name a few)
and somehow when i don't see it happen, i feel worse. like i'd failed to do right by them when they were alive. at least when i see it happen, they'd know in their final moments that i tried and that i cared.
overall, just some really nasty feelings. super conflicting n stuff.
@binguscatreal crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.crazy? i was crazy once. they put me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room with rats. the rats made me crazy.OliveOyl
attack on titan plot but modern and nobody believed me that the titans were coming. daveed diggs had to kill my dad in order to stop the titans.TomatoToast
Ronald McDonald hacked me in animal jamIt was scary back in 2016
and I almost laughed lmaoSimblime
hold on so is drawn working now?Monocoven
I once had a creepy as hell nightmare- The start had some creepy science guy making weird ass creatures with random objects and chunks of flesh and stuff- 💀 Then there was random other stuff that happened in the dream that was pretty normal. But then right before I woke up, I was in my bedroom, except things felt very off and it was super dark. I heard this really weird gurgling noise, so I turned towards my closet door, in front of my bed... and instead of my closet door, it was a huge mass of FLESH??? with a giant eyeball in it, with other smaller eyeballs around it- and like other organs- LIKE WHAT THE SHIT??? 😨😨😨 WHY DID MY BRAIN COME UP WITH THAT??? And it just stared at me, unblinking... and that's when I woke up ðŸ˜binguscatreal
I woke up in a big rooma rubber room.
a rubber room with rats.
the rats made me crazy.
they made me so crazy that I got locked in a room... a rubber room... with rats
@Plush don't we allPlush
I had a lot of night terrors as a small child