Here it is (desc)


I am Jamie. I am fake.
I was in a horrible mood today and Ian is fake. Ian is a facade I made to deal with disattachment and depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. I am taking multiple (8-9) pills a day and go to therapy. I am very much not sane and didn't mean to drag you into this. If you liked or felt connected to Ian, I am sorry. Ian is fake.
I create people in my head and sometimes it gets too real and I create a wormhole and make myself believe it. I once hallucinated a boy I fell in love with to cope, and it ruined my life. This isn't a joke. The reason I didn't respond was that I was sleeping. I know, you're all like, "Tf why is he sleeping?" and the reason was that I, uhm,, cut my arm and fell asleep. My mother found me and took me to the hospital. I am okay, but my head is seriously broken and I really hate myself. I made Ian as a place to like myself or attributes I wanted. Ian is fake. I know you all probably hate me right now, and that's okay. I completely messed with you people, and I probably fucked up some friendships. I am sorry and I love you, but I couldn't keep this a secret any longer, I almost tore my hair out from stress. This was supposed to be fun and happy, but I kept going on and on and I started to believe I was Ian, so I quit. I'm sorry.

  • Published Published December 25, 2018, 17:16
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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