my friend downloaded a chrome extension that makes everything into an "owo whats this?" language (e.x: hewwo? is thwis jwonaffin?)
i asked her to translate something, and this is the result iM WHEEZING:
I'm gonna mwake an announcement,
shadow the hedgehog is a bitch ass mwothewfuckew. He pissed on mwy fucking wife, that's wight, he took his hedgehog fucking quiwwy dick out, and he pissed on mwy fucking wife and he said his dick was "this big," and i said that's disgusting. So i'm mwaking a cawwout post on mwy, shadow the hedgehog, you got a smaww dick, it's the size of this wawnut except way smawwew, and guess what?? hewe's what mwy dong wooks wike. That's wight, baby. Aww points, no quiwws, no piwwows, wook at that it wooks wike two bawws and a bong. He fucked mwy wife, so guess what, i'm gonna nya the eawth. That's wight, this is what you get, mwy supah wasah piss!! except i'm not gonna piss on the eawth. I'm gonna go highew. I'm pissing on the mwoon!! how do you wike that, obama?!! i pissed on the mwoon, you idiot!! you have 23 houws befowe the piss dwopwets hit the fucking eawth. Now get out of mwy fucking sight befowe i piss on you too.