

Name: Atlas Iwa Rutiberra DOB: April 18th, 2011 Age: 10 Sex: Male Height: 4.5 Power: Earthquake - He can manipulate the earth to his will, that is he can change rock formations, create seismic waves, change the material of a rock.... basically break apart and put back together rock material. In the picture is examples of this, rock spikes in the back and he is doing seismic waves. He can also manipulate plate formations, when he is older he will be able to create giant mountains if he wanted to Status: Acts like a villain but wants to be a hero Physical: When he uses a lot of his power, his body will start turning into a rock hard substance, starting with his hair His eyes glow when his power is being used He has a lot of scrapes on his body from always picking fights, but they arent scars white skin = Severe case of Vitiligo (skin turns white in patches, but in his case it turned his entire skin structure white) Severely allergic to water, if water has contact to him on his skin, he will break out in rashes that will physically steam in the air. Has to wash his body without water - dry shampoo and simply rubbing body wash on body then dry it off with towel. (a little water mixed into product is fine) Not that built yet He has sharp teeth like a shark, his mother had sharp teeth as well, and it got passed down to him Personality He is a stubborn brat XD Every mean to mostly everyone he meets, takes a while for him to warm up to you and actually be nice picks fights all the time, he just doesnt really like people Very determined to have his way, thats why he is so stubborn Thinks hes better than everyone and likes proving it Treats his younger sister, Katrina, Like crap... but in reality actually cares about her a lot When he sees someone bullying Katrina he will step in to help her out, no matter who the person is (it could be a full on adult and Atlas will start arguing with them) Overall, basically he is Bakugo but in a kid form, a lot alike Their father made each of them play an instrument, Atlas knows how to play the guitar and trumpet Background: Grew up with Katrina in the lab, werent born yet when the escape happened. They knew who Selena was since they grew up with her... not directly but close enough to know she was there with them, as well as Kauge and Hikari Like Kauge and Hikari, Atlas and Katrina only have each other so they rely on each other a lot, Katrina mostly relies on Atlas though When Selena destroyed the lab, a caretaker took Atlas and Katrina in and they were staying with her, until villains killed the caretaker and went after the kids, since they were their fathers kids When the caretakers were still alive, they were enrolled in a public school, but they have no social skills so Atlas just picked fights with anyone who gave him a dirty look at all This is the point where Selena steps in and saves them and takes them with her to her house, where she takes care of them with Midnight When they live with Selena, she kept them in that public school so they could at least have a chance at a normal life compared to the rest of the Rutiberras... so both Katrina and Atlas are learning to be hero's since thats what they want to do when they are older... even if Selena is more of a villain

  • Published February 28, 2021, 22:41
  • in Still Waters
  • in The Rutiberras
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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Atlas and Katrina