

if you want one dont be afraid to ask for me to make you one

extra details:

magic colors can be any color but some colors are demonic and some colors are angelic

ones with crystal wings cant fly, also crystal wings will look like the crystal on their chest

they are immortal but if hurt to much they may die (or more accurately sleep) for 1-20 years

they can detach their hands/feet from their arms/legs and make them float around and they can also hide/unhide their wings

angelic ones have eyes while demonic ones have eyesockets

fallen angelic ones are the rarest type and will have one eye and one eyesocket with two colors of magic

angelic ones are called cervidanuanais anglica and demonic ones are called cervidanuanais dracona

  • Published Published October 25, 2020, 11:46
  • Location in Kiddie Pool
  • Album in old
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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