there has to be something wrong


I don't lucid dream. I want to. SO BAD, but no matter how hard I try, commit and how many techniques I use, nothing works. I don't have sleep paralysis. I want to have it (i know what it is, so chill) so i can just relate to people when they talk about their experiences. I've also never had a recurring dream (just a lot of Deja Vue) and it makes me feel like the oddball when people talk about their dreams. My dreams are strange, for some reason, and they don't seem to have a theme, and idk how to describe this but they are kind of hazy, like a faint memory when i have them and sometimes i have trouble recalling them immediately once i woke up unless they somehow stuck out to me. Like this weird dream had about me saving this monster who also was a submarine and i was also running from the gov't who wanted the monster. i don't understand it but it was a great dream. I know this is weird too, but I don't get nightmares. I had night terrors when i was two (according to my parents) but nothing since then. Maybe its the fact that every night i have trouble sleeping. i know im not even 18, but i don't think this is normal. have any of you had lucid dreams? please tell me im not alone! you guys are the first people I've ever told this to...

  • Published April 07, 2020, 09:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Me
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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