a shooting star (Leo lore)


"The fuck is that?" I pointed to the sky. My companion looked up, squinting their eyes. "A shooting star," they said after a moment, looking over at me curiously, "Surely you know what one of those are?" "Uh..No?" i tilted my head, wincing when an ear flopped in front of my eye, blowing it to make it go back up, "Wazzat" "Uh..I dunno. they shrugged, "It's like a little peice of rock or dust that hits Earth's atmosphere from space. It moves so fast that it heats up and glows as it moves through the atmosphere. Or something. It's like a mini meteor. But we call them shooting stars. Some people wish on them." My eyes widened, looking at them and moving to grab their arm, pouting, "I didn't get to wish on it!!" They winced, giving an unsure smile, "O-oh, well, I'm sure you'll be able to eventually" "Really?? You promise?" I squeezed their arm tightly in excitement, and they sighed, giving a tired smile and looking up to the sky "Yeah, promise"

  • Published May 02, 2022, 05:00
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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