(moderators, someone, can you please put this in like- still waters? or another category that can get me to be noticed? ive literally never been in still waters before. NEVER. it would be a huge help. thanks!)
beautiful. my masterpiece. just- amazing. definetly proud of this.
well, heres luna! the main protagonist of literally my entire comic series called LUNA. and, tanpaw only exists because she exists. her comic series has tanpaw in it as an antagonist. if luna didnt exist, brownscar, scarletsoul, and the mascot tanpaw wouldnt even be around... well, actually brownscar would be. he was made before luna- BUT STILL. she is so underrated for a main protagonist. shes not annoying, shes perfectly written, just....no one cares about her HHH.
pls love i NEED koin bro. PLS!!!!