www.foxnews.com nexter.org even though the momo challenge is a hoax, it took fucking LIVES. Someone or a group took a picture of a Japanese artist's stature and turned it into...this... the man who made the statue did nothing wrong (thank fuck). He deserves to be protected.
But once again
This...thing.... is an unlawful, disgusting act that is spreading across the globe. There's no way to avoid it, it's a ghost that goes through your systems. It tells you to do things like sexual exploration, dares that lead up to your suicide, and it tells you to do domestic violence. Little kids and suicidal people are two main targets for this.
If you're an adult and a parent, WARN YOUR KIDS ABOUT THIS. it is all over the internet. You can't avoid the Momo Challenge. Minecraft, Fortnite, Facebook, YouTube Kids, Pornhub, it's everywhere that allows you to connect with others.
This isn't a joke.
This is disgusting work. If you see it, report it. Some people even say that you must report it to the FBI. It is this serious.
Do not ignore this post please thanks
@CagedRaven *hissssss* my good boye ;(((( @sandyBeepis ye S the jawline is on fleek ;)))) @AnonymousTiger5 indeed childAnonymousTiger
what a good boibee
i need that jaw lineI NEED THAT JAW LINE
@Kailey_Kat YE S MY GOOD BABY BO YKailey_Kat
screee thIS GOOD BOYEXEclipse
@Anadroj-B-J *Intense sobbing noises* me too!!!Anadroj-B-J
Aww I love him so much! 💗XEclipse
@Paranormal_Chaos Indeed he mega cutie