This is phin, but their full name, and the haircut I want to get. which will be their haircut now. and, now they will wear thatjacket instead. which i do actually have, but it's completely green.
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@poppliotube yespPop
guardians and LegalPhinSilver
@poppliotube yePop
@PhinSilver okPhinSilver
@poppliotube no. i have to ask my lrgal gurdiansPop
digressions or decisionPop
@PhinSilver what's concrete descisions?Pop
@PhinSilver oofPhinSilver
@poppliotube yes. i dont have a concrete descisions yetPop
@PhinSilver wait do you need to ask your biological father?Pop
@PhinSilver ask demPop
@PhinSilver ohPhinSilver
@poppliotube you can cahnge it if you have your parents permissionPop
you can change your name, at like 16 or 18 or something