@rainbowwolfie don't let Lilly see this.
Anyways, my friend makes OC's and she doesn't explain how things happen or something. She'll say, "I'm Mei Uzumaki and I'm not gonna explain why I have magical powers and can read minds and stuff because I'm supposed to be mysterious!" You don't have to explain to the characters, but you have to at least explain to me.
I will say, "I am Makoto Uchiha and I have the Sharingan because I'm a Uchiha." Then my friend will criticize me for being to simple. But EXCUSE ME! I just want my OC to fit into the Naruto universe. I've figured out who she'll end up with, the probability of ending up with her crushes. I've done research, and I'm only on season 4 of Naruto (the first one) Ok, ok I'm probably rambling so here's an analogy i hope makes sense.
You know those things we played with as kids, where you're supposed to put the correct block in the right hole, well, my OC is like fitting a square block in a square hole, simple and it fits. My FRIEND however is putting a circle block in the square hole. That make it difficult and frustrating when roleplaying with her because she makes the main focus about love and not like, what the show is actually about, fighting for the greater good. Kishimoto himself said that when he was originally making Naruto, he didn't really focus on the love scenes. So behind my friends back, I created a document that has the actual life of Makoto Uchiha always being updated as I watch more of the show.
So I about seriously because it makes me angry when people make Oc's like that.
Ok, I'm not saying that making your own OC in your own world HAS to follow this, but just one's that are already in a pre-created universe.
thanks for reading this much.
@Kawaii_melon np! ^^lk_draws
@ToonKraft127 :D thx :D)))ToonKraft127
Im very sorry to hear that :( I hope you feel better soon tho! ^^