some facts about Jazz! (desc)


jazz hates birds and is deathly afraid of them but won’t admit it jazz is a triplet, i’ve not designed her siblings yet but she’s a triplet jazz was made fun of for her last name and it’s had lasting effects on her mental health :))) jazz owns a bakery!! she often makes pride themed baked goods jazz is the smallest and youngest of the triplets, and even though she’s not that much younger, her other two siblings are much closer and they all have a similar relationship to the Blight siblings from The Owl House, jazz being amity and her other siblings being the twins OOH ALSO! BITTERSWEET FACT!! when jazz got older and retired, she got into knitting and knitted sweaters and such for her and her wife, and Odd(her wife), essentially being an alien and having a longer lifespan of about 15-20 years, would cuddle the knitted sweaters when jazz passed for comfort jazz is usually very introverted and reserved, much like myself, and prefers to stay home rather than go out, but having to teach Odd about earth really brought Jazz out of her shell and taught her to enjoy experiences outside of her comfort zone

  • Published January 19, 2021, 07:38
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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