Episode 1 Prey and predator
Watch the story first this contains spoilers.
First of all my hands are freakin tired this is over 2000 frames and its 3 minutes ok now to the story. A doctor has created a new substance and wanted to test it on someone so he sent the invitation to me. I wanted my friends to come along and they did. When we were there we got ambushed and put to sleep. We woke up in the ruins and I knew I had tp get everyone up before something happens. I woke up KXYN and he knew what was happening so he went to wake up kashew while I got Epicxz. We were talking and then zombies came at us. At first it was one then it was 100. We went to a weapon store where we met intell. We got supplies and started to head out when epicxz saw the zombies from outside the window. I was getting frustrated and was ready to kill. That ends it for this episode hope u enjoyed.
@CagedRaven eRANDOMGIRL4
@UltraB >:)UltraB
@UltraB infinite reverse cardUltraB
@RANDOMGIRL4 uno reverse cardRANDOMGIRL4
@UltraB no ursUltraB
ah your art is so beautiful