Happy Place


Today i went to go see MJ, some quick back story on MJ, His name is Moon jumper, he claims to be the prince before Snatcher. It doesn't make sense, but by now, it makes more sense then what''s happening. So i guess he was thrown away, discarded. he claims Thor, Timmy, and Tim are discarded too, but don't realize it, for he is stuck in the "horizon". or as i like to call it, the Dream void! it's my happy place, he helps me when i feel like lie i can't do it anymore, or when i'm sad or angry. He turns me back into a child like i was when i met my friends! So i went to go meet him there, and i told him what happened, he said he knew. Creepy! but hey, i have a ghost noodle thing as a friend. He said that all i have to do is follow the ones watching? What. The. Peck? WHO THE HELL IS WATCHING. Eh probs just meaning follow my instincts or something. - HK

  • Published February 02, 2020, 10:56
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in FILES
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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