another rant.


i swear to gobble, people these days cant take criticism. I mean, suggesting politly that the scale should be slightly tweaked doesn't warrent you to have a temper tantrum. and it hurts my god forsaken brain when people are like: "your just jealous that his/her's work is better", i mean seriously, if you are going to defend you 11 yrold child over something as simple as constructive criticism, why the hell did you inlist him/her into an art group? if you arent willing to take criticism in a public place, then how the fuck are you ever going to become a professional artist/animator? I've had my fair share of constructive criticism, and i dont bawl my fucking eyes out when ever someone stats that your dragons fingers are a bit big and i'd suggest that you rework them. i mean, the heck.

  • Published September 14, 2019, 22:14
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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