oh, ex-boyfriend


the fact that you fucking force my closest best friend in a relationship as an attempt to make me upset is fucking PATHETIC. you like girls for looks, not personality. you care about '' thickness '' and pretty faces you're a fuckboy,, you've dated like, 10 different fuckin girls. first, one girl, then you broke up with her, and got with a different girl. broke up with her, dated me, broke up with me, got with her, broke up with her, got with my bff. you also dated the same girl 3 times. actually, fucking forced my bff. you insult me every single fucking day i'm on call to my best friend you always say im fucking ugly, you say you wish you could fucking- K I L L me, you say i have lice every day EVEN THO I FUCKING DONT, AND IT'S ACTUALLY ANNOYING. you're such a bad fuckin person. you also spread rumors about me as well and you put all over your social media that im a slut and you got people to agree you're a fucking asshole. you don't d e se r v e love from anyone. phew, i really needed to- get that off my chest

  • Published October 11, 2018, 23:49
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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