also, daleks dOEsnt tRaCE LMao


Littol rant about people accusing @daleksofskaro of tracing ,, , ,, ; SOME People are just able to replicate an image (aka draw it really fucking similar/well) that doesnt fucking mean its traced. heavily influenced? yes. traced? no; youre a fucking idiot lmao. SOMe people also have photographic memories!!!!! and can draw an image almost precisely the way the original image looks. some people DONT use baselines. daleks is one of em; he doesnt use baselines. not using baselines does n o t mean its traced. y'all are ,, , ,, ,clowns for thinking that daleks is a tracer. hes n o t. also,,, accusing someone of being a tracer without any evidence is,, kinda dumb. and hurtful.

  • Published July 18, 2019, 13:52
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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