Heavy Referencing vrs Tracing


I kinda just want to talk about the difference between tracing and Heavy referencing right now cause someone on a different website I use got me worked up about this. Anyways, most people tend to confuse heavy Referencing with Tracing a lot of times. Heavy Referencing in my book, is when you take a drawing/photo/etc. and take a lot of aspects of that photo (the face, the scenery, the pose, the colors, the shading) and make something similar to that, but it still has things that you did on your own, and if someone where to take the drawing you did and overlay it over the picture you referenced, it wouldn’t line up exactly. Tracing, as most of you know, is when people trace the line art of a drawing, picture, etc and call it their own work, sorta like Cristali, the youtuber that every accused and confirmed of him tracing. Although it’s a possibility that he just heavily Referenced the videos, some may say other wise, we don’t truly know if he actually traced, but it’s a big possibility. Although, they’ve been arrested from what I see on YouTube. Of course the heavily Referenced work like I have here, may look traced, but it’s really not, (i don’t even think it’s possible to trace here-) it’s been moved into my own style, but the clothes, the Text, and the face(?) have been Mainly copies from the original photo. From my time being an anonymous, I know there was some (argument? Fight? Drama?) that someone traced a piece of art, but then again, is that even possible here- uh getting sidetracked- although I didn’t see it, I just want to say that it could be possible that they just Referenced the drawing/photo/etc to much that it looked like the original. Anyways, my hands are getting tired of typing, just don’t mix those two things up please .w. Bye UwU

  • Published June 18, 2019, 20:54
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Uh Rants?
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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