Fire versus Ice


**Note: Keep in mind that this story is based on what I think Hell/Hades may or would look like. And of course… fictional characters who were inspired by possible hellhounds. Hope this doesn’t offend anyone ^^” Standing face to face with his father, Polar tilted his head down in shame. He was chained for 10,000 years, never seeing Glacial ever since… until now. “Are you ready to give in?” his fathers voice thundering through the cave. “No, I am not,” Polar replied, his voice dry, due to the flames constantly burning. It felt as if those 10,000 years with hardly any food and water, Polar was dying. But he knew deep down it was impossible, even with the constant pain. “Well, your refusal only angers me more, you know this son,” Glacial had begun growing taller and stronger, which Polar knew was a repetitive cycle for the Lord of Hell… or so the Kingdom had called him at least. All of a sudden a rush of soil and rocks rose Polar high above all of his home. His chains began to crumble from his hands, ankles, and neck. His father was challenging him to a fight… to the death. His rebellion against taking over Earth and Heaven had caused an unsteady hate in Glacial’s heart. Glacial felt as if his son wasn’t his own at this point. Polar felt the heat of his fathers hand cup behind him, knowing the fire would soon shoot out and burn him. But before his punishment, Glacial’s other hand became a fist and rose to the top of his head. It began plummeting towards Polar’s small form. <>To be continued...<>

  • Published April 12, 2021, 11:01
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Instanity - 11
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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