ur queen here,,, thinking out loud,


just a few things i wanna say:

~ this is turning out aMAZING, thank you all so much for letting everything run so smoothly and efficiently. this is great that we r all able to do this together <3

~ i am working on the draw the squad base for the group picture. i know a few people have seen it and know about this already, but for those who belong to this account who dont know about it, look at our drafts and read the desc. when i am completely done with the template, i will keep the template in drafts and create a copy where people can write in themselves,,, but aLSO DOWN BELOW, IF you want to claim a space nOW, COMMENT. (here is the picture btw,, there are a few things im editing tho paste.pics )
comment questions too uwu

~ i promise i will make a good arts of me on here lol,,,

~ about the koin gainage,, i think we should either vote on animations to use it on, or save it up for a rainbow trophy or something. i dont think we need to go for audio lmao

~ and another precaution, if this account lives on long enough that some mod thinks we should get sushi,,, i strongly believe we should decline sushi. i think all of the stuff made in this account should stay in kiddie pool if we can control that, bc this isnt a koin account. but thats my take on that,,,

~ DO U THINK WE NEED A KING??? the guy i have in mind isnt an artist rlly. he made an account, but he hasnt done anything on it lmao, and he believes ha cant art. he would only be our king if u guys think i need someone to "rule" with me. (hes a close friend kind-of-irl of mine)

~ aBOUT FOLLOWING,,, i think we should only follow the people who are part of this account. not bc im selfish, but bc the notifications are always popping up, and it would also be an easier way to see exactly who is on the account.

pls tell me what you think about my rants, and ty for listening <3<3


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