By sonia

You must use at least 4 of the colors, and they MUST BE THESE COLORS!! Red: ab0303 Purple: 751980 Magenta: 96005a Orange: ff9c24 Light yellow: ffec8c Brown: 633500 You may only submit one entry. Please put your entry in the comments, and also put "_ for Radish's contest" as the name. First place gets a follow (if not already followed), 15 likes, three fanarts, and a shoutout. Second place gets 10 likes, two fanarts, and a shoutout. Third place gets one fanart, five likes, and a follow. Please do not copy other people's works, and please DO make sure to try your best. If you do not get into the top three, don't take it personally. We all have different colors that we like to work with, and maybe these just aren't the colors for you. I'd like to get at least 5 entries. By the way, the final submission date is December 8 (my birthday!) , but I will NOT release the final winners until December 10.

  • Published November 24, 2018, 19:53
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in Just saying...
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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