me :3


i literaly hve a lab coat and goggles but i LOST my fuckinf goggles and it made me really sad and i wore my coat around in school over a shitty patterned button up and jorts and i got stared at but I dont give a shit and they be wearing those shoes made out of balls. And i wore it to subway at liek the middle of the night and the lady making my sandwich looked at me like i was insane (I am) and I exhibit normal human behavior like. Reading encyclopedias and doing 3 hours of research about dinosaurs Just cuz i was curious and putting random things i find in my room together to make something cuz i didnt wanna get the real thing and. Creating excessively

  • Published June 26, 2023, 00:41
  • in The Swamp
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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