pt.3 ride to hapiness. dhar man lol


We walk towards the cart where all the brokens stay. I pass by everyone before sitting next to an old woman. "Where are we going?" I ask her before she responds with "Jeskonston" I have absolutely no idea where that is but it sounds dumb. I stand up with an evil smile "Thanks" I say to the old woman before walking over to my friends "Check it" I whip out a twenty dolar bill "Just lifted some money from that lady" I say "YOOOOOOO" Someone with a stupid camera walks right up in my face "DID YOU TAKE THE BAIT!?" The idiot asks "What?" I ask before Dharr man walks in front of me "Yo, I'm Dharr man and I just set up that trap, we are going to post this on yutuub so prepare to get absolutely exposed" I roll my eyes before I snatch the camera from the man and throw it at Dharr man. It smacks him right in the face "Haha" I spin around to try and wallk away like a "Cool Kid" But the old lady is behind me and she slaps me in the face. I yelp before hitting the old lady in return. Everyone on the train gasps except for dharr man "Yo, I am actually a robot with a camera, I am about to upload this to yutuub so prepare to g-" I rip the robot Dharr man's jaw off and throw it at the old woman. She dodges it before slapping me with it. Suddenly, an arrow flies through the window before hitting the old woman in the head "Okay, that wasn't me" I walk over to my friends "What's happening?" Goblins then crash through the windows and begin hitting everyone on the cart except for my friends. We all run along the train before reaching a broken with a deagle in his hand. He was shooting all goblins that come into the site "Are you Carset?" He asks me. "Yeah, why?" I say "Because we need to stop Dharr man" He responds. "All right! Everyone in the car NOW!" We follow his directions and get into the mercadeez nutz. we drive off the train but two goblins jump onto the car. "Ready?" The broken asks me "Always" We jump out the front window as Jonco takes the wheel "I-I don't know how to drive!!!" They scream as I begin fist fighting this pointy-eared goblin "FIGURE IT OUT!" I yell as the goblin hits me in the eye. It screams as it slams into a tree like that part in star wars. The dharr man killer shoots a goblin in head. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [Pee lol end again haha, please read this I like working on it so please read lol I’m not kidding read it]

  • Published August 22, 2021, 10:37
  • in Kiddie Pool
  • in album Featured
  • is not continuable by others
  • Favourited times

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