Her name is Maggie, (She is on the top left) and idk what she is. But definitely half Coyote
Apparently she was abused at her other house so she is scared of everyone but me and her are definitely getting somewhere
So yea! Its Maggie, Moose and Snowball! <3333
@_J_M_ Haven't heard of them. I might have to check em out._J_M_
AJR, I fight dragons, The Stupendium, and TytolisAwkward__Artist
@fusion325 What genre of music does he seem to favor?fusion325
ya gotta listen to cospefusion325
omg Im late buthere are my favs
1. Cospe (BEST OF BEST)
2. Jack Stauber
3. Pretty Lights
Famous ones:
1. Twenty-one pilots
2. Panic at the disco!
3. Nelly Furtado
4. Flo Rida
Forgot to include Pentatonix.Awkward__Artist
@Perfectly I have so much respect for you.Awkward__Artist
@DaleksOfSkaro First of all, doesn't the artist make the song?Second, my voice is very average, but I appreciate the compliment.
Panic of the discoDaleksOfSkaro
your my favorite artist, no competition. your voice is a m a z i n gPerfectly
I have a whole playlist with 150+ handpicked songs I've found over the years if you're looking for music. (I listen to almost every genre btw)Perfectly
If I had to choose my favorite artist, it'd be either Red Hot Chili Peppers or Brockhampton.Some other artists I've been checking out are System Of a Down, Rise Against, The Offspring,, Linkin Park, and just a bunch of classic rock/alternative/punk artists. There's so many albums I want to listen to though, I never really listen to one artist very often.
@Awkward__Artist o heck, im dum sorry-Awkward__Artist
@TheNightblade I- meant artist who make music.....ButI'mhonoredtobeinyourfavorites
on here its: Awkward__Artist, BCManimator, Thememeist, Teapup, Kailey_kat, ROOKIE, and a LOT more that im probably forgettingbut not on drawn my favorite artists are: James Lee, Sr pelo, Zalinki, Cas van de pol, Felix Colgrave, and a BUNCH more im again, probably forgetting