I Have An Idea... ✨


HEY there guys! So, I have this idea for an animation that I'd like to do, and I'd like to know what you guys think of the idea! So, my idea for this animation is heavily story based and is actually a small part of the overall story with some of my characters. I'll explain the idea I have for it brefily and I'd like to know your opinion on it, and whether or not I should do it! The basic idea of the animation is about my Oc Antheia, which you can see in this animation of mines: https://drawn.digifi.ca/play/ppddhs The idea is about how she died and became a demon and about her realizing what happened. If I do actually do this, you guys will also be introduced to a new character who has a major role in the plot. Some other characters of mines that have an important role in the plot are Fenriz and Akiko, so you'll see them in it as well. I don't want to spoil what happens too much, but that's the basic gist of it. So what do you guys think, do you like the idea, and should I do it? (Also sorry for the stupid shit post doodles today lol I just want your guy's opinions on stuff) :)

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